Barbara brennan school europe

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She has also been co-leading the Hero’s journey for Women in the USA ( since its beginnings, facilitating deep encounters with one’s interior through the elements of nature and community. Irene has been teaching workshops and training internationally since 1998. In her private practice since 1990, in Switzerland and internationally, Irene had the opportunity to gather extensive clinical experience working with clients from many different cultural and language backgrounds. She is also a licensed naturopath, certified homoeopath and Brennan Healer.

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Irene Tobler is a body-oriented therapist, group leader and PSEN trainer. She teaches methods of process facilitation grounded in one’s embodiment and mindful awareness of the “Here and Now” in the therapeutic relationship. Irene Tobler, alongside with Michael Mervosh is the co-founder of the PSEN Training, which originated in 2006.

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